That's quite a challenge. It's like being given all the tools and techniques but the possibilities are endless so it's hard to know where to begin.
I suppose it's just a matter of playing with it all enough to find my own style and begin to understand which technique to use when.
Here is one I tried on the weekend.
I had taken a picture at the old school house at Old Tailem Town, one of Australia's largest pioneer villages and I loved how the light was coming through the window. I wanted to accentuate that and add some contrast and also warm up the light and give a more vintage look to the image.
Over the weekend I made a few textures, one was with coffee, tea and nutmeg and baked (perhaps a little too long) in the oven. The back of this page also proved an interesting pattern so I used that too. The third one was made using texture paste and then staining it with coffee.
I decided to try blending all three together and after trying a few hundred possibilities I found one that I was happy with.
It proved to be just the right texture to get the result I was looking for with the school house photo.
School's Out
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thanks for looking,
Good one Kathy