A Division of Kathy Thompson Photography

Monday, July 30, 2012

Competition Winner

AND THE WINNER IS..........................................

Hans Kawitzki for his entry - Pride of India.



click to see larger

Hans' use of textures to replace a distracting background illustrates just how much the mood of a photo can be altered with the use of the right texture/s.

Congratulation Hans, you will receive an email shortly with a link to download the Winter Warm collection of textures.


Steph from the UK.

Steph says, "...I decided to compliment the classic antique-look of the brown butterfly by overlaying it with a vintage paper texture".


Texture used.

click to view larger

Love the vintage look Steph has obtained with this combination.

Congratulation Steph. As runner up you will receive a sample of 6 of my textures, 3 from Winter Warm and 3 not yet released. You will receive an email shortly with details of how to download them.

Congrats to both of you and thanks for your entries.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Featured Photographer

Introducing Award winning photographer, Barb Leopold.

Barb applies textures to a variety of subjects and her work is both creative and artistic.

Barb recently purchased the Winter Warm collection and has used several of them in the processing of the following beautiful images.

Your textures are a dream to work with, I just love them, and you have saved me all the hard work of making them too.... “   Barb Leopold.

Click on the image names to see them in greater detail on Barb's Redbubble site or
or to see more of her work go to her Portfolio

Remember, only a few more hours left to get your entries in for the COMPETITION to win the Winter Warm collection.

Thanks again for visiting

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Win a Collection of Textures

Want to win a set of 24 high resolution textures. Collection 1 - Winter Warm.

Keep reading.

There are several ways in which textures can modify and enhance an image.

Three of these are:
1. Mood
2. Age
3. Tone.

For example.

1. Mood.

This is Molly. In this first example I have used a texture to give her a dreamy mood. Click to view them larger to see the full effect.

 (texture is from Collection 1 - Winter Warm)

2. Age.

A texture was added to this image to create an aged, vintage look.

(texture used was Kim Klasson's Embrace)

3. Tone.

This time I have given Molly a warm tone by using a different texture from the Winter Warm collection.

The last example was originally a colour photo, converted to black and white but still lacking the richness of tone that I was seeking.  Two textures were used to create a much richer tone to the image and also add a textured background to what was otherwise a blank sky.

(textures used Kim Klasson's paper2, crackerjack)


If you would like to be in the running to win a pack of my textures, Collection 1 - Winter Warm, then email me your best before and after photos where you have used one or more textures of any kind to change the original photo's mood, age or tone.

Your photos will only be used to display on this blog for this competition and will not be used or displayed in any other way or for any other purpose without your permission.

Photos should be 600px max on the long side, file size max of 150k, jpg.

Remember you must send the before and after photo. You do not need to show the texture/s used but you can if you wish. You can also include a little about the process if you wish.

Email to:  kathyt.thompson@gmail.com   Subject - Mood Competition
(don't forget the dot between kathyt and thompson)

Entries must be received at the above email address by 12 midday, Monday 30th July, Australian Central Time.

Winner will be announced on this blog about 8pm the same day and the winner will be notified by email.

Details of the prize texture pack can be seen HERE

Looking forward to seeing your images,

Some details have been edited 07/23/2012 for the purpose of clarification.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Textures for Photography - SHOP OPEN

Textures for Photography.

Coffee Pot Textures Shop is now Open.
The first pack of textures made by myself is now available for sale.

See the SHOP for details.